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Watching movies at home and in the theater

Watching Movies has become habit or major entertainment in our society. Some families watch movies as a source of bonding time after their individual day.  Movies are shown in places we can easily approach; places like cinema, and simply at home. Both places have pros and cons. Sometimes, movie theaters have what homes don’t have but, also don’t have what homes do have. This case is applied to the same way to homes.

                If you prefer watching movie at home, the pros are that you can have your family time. You get to watch anything you want. You have family privacy while you are talking, sharing, and commenting about the movie; and that can really improve your family relationship. Moreover, you are more likely to focus on watching because of the familiar atmosphere around you which gives you security. Also, if you are confused or unsure about something, you can always pause and ask what’s going on to your family members. Furthermore; you can rewind and fast forward. You can wear pajamas or any cozy clothes. Having time leisure is another advantage of watching movies at home. There is no time limit; such as certain time for entering into the movie. You don’t have to hurry up to not miss the movie.  It’s free with unlimited time, in fact; you can have a whole family movie marathon.  But, on the other hand, if you are watching movie at home, you are more likely to spill your soda or smear your caramel on your sofa which then your mom is going to start nagging and become mad at you. Furthermore, there is disadvantage of watching movie through small screen with low volume.  

                If you choose to go to the movie theater, you feel the hang of watching the movie by being surrounded by other people, and night view. Furthermore, it’s a brilliant and dazzling atmosphere to be in surrounded by; more interesting and vast views that come into your sight. In fact, Indulging in the cinema experience is profoundly memorable. Plus, there is a big screen provided for you with suitable volume for everybody. The cons of watching movies at the theater, you don’t get to have much of privacy. You have to respect and be aware of your surroundings. You are prohibited to scream, shout or burst out laughing during the movie.  You have to whisper quietly if you want to talk. Also, it’s not cozy as at home where you can lie down on the sofa or have cushion with you to lean on and stretch your legs. Instead, you have to sit properly enough to not distract person next or behind you.  Moreover, you can’t have control on the movie such as rewinding, pausing or fast forwarding. Plus, it’s on your own risk on buying the ticket and being disappointed at movie; you can’t refund it. Also, it costs money on purchasing the ticket and food. 

                Similarities they have between them is no matter where you watch the movie, watching movie is always thrilling and exciting. It stimulates you with passion. It arouses you from being uninterested and weary. It stirs up excitement between your friends and family.  It can be one of the sources to make connection in your community. It creates enthusiastic topic to talk about commonly. Watching movie either in your house or theater, you can always eat something. At home, you can make popcorn and drink soda. In the theater, you can also buy popcorn or chicken nuggets.

                In conclusion, the comparison between watching movies at home and in the theater is that in the theaters, you just have to be aware of you surrounding. You don’t have control of the movie.  On the contrary, if you are watching it at home, seating is usually comfortable at home and you don’t really have to be careful on sitting. You can have the control of the movie such as pausing or rewinding and the volume is in your hands. The contrast between these two factors is that you can enjoy and have fun no matter where you watch it. It can make you feel closer to someone while you are watching it together and can create a conversation between you and your friends which helps a lot in relationships. There are disadvantages but great advantages at the same time.

A Great Lesson

A great lesson

It happened when I was 9 years old while I was playing games in the internet. At the time I thought that internet was the only that didn’t me bored. Suddenly Mom knocked and I was like ok and opened the door and she entered. She told me that she had to talk with me and what she said that day just ruined my whole week. I was just moody during school and I hesitated to talk to my friends in other words I just felt sick and lifeless because I mean why does it have to be me? There are tons of kids that can be useful for that purpose. Why couldn’t God pick anyone but me? I felt so resentful of God. I loved where I was living. I lived in an apartment, a big supermarket next to it, and went to a fun school that was in right front my house so all I had to do was just cross a road and that was it.  It was secure. I was content with my school, friends and teachers. I was just fond of everything. Why couldn’t God just leave me alone?

            I didn’t choose to hear what the teacher was saying in class. Once again I gave a sigh thinking about what mom said last night. “We are going to have to leave Korea soon” I remembered. I responded frowning “to where?”  She replied back “to a Ship” I said “what? A ship?  You don’t mean this?” I motioned the sea wave just wanted to make sure. Mom nodded slowly. “This doesn’t make sense!” she nodded “I said no! No! I won’t go! That’s not even land! There would be no internet right? There wouldn’t be any school or friends there!” few minutes later I was completely sobbing. Mom cried with me. The night was the worst day that happened to me. It seemed like I was just floating in a lifeless bubble that was going to pop at any moment.

            Off we went to New Zealand after six months with other ten other people. My mind was filled with negatives only.  They were planning to be missionaries like us. The flight was ten hours. I was like ‘what’s happening to me!! I don’t know what’s going on!’ I was totally plane sick and was about to throw up.  

Surprisingly the time in New Zealand actually quite fun I could really find myself getting along with other western people very quickly. I almost spent my entire day bare feet, this is no kind of culture that Koreans would have in Korea. The school had a different teaching system than Korea. They gave students more freedom and valued more independence. Grass was to be seen everywhere and cows mooed. The towns looked like my Barbie house kit they sold in Korea.  It was a superb experience. After three months of picking up some English and getting training and going to school, we headed for Netherland with other fellows for another major training.  

            After the training in Netherlands, we finally took a big bus that took us to the ship that was ported in France. The oldest ship- 94 years old… ‘This is cool. I thought. This was where I was going to stay for next three years. Three hundred fifty people from over fifty nations combined and worked together serving God and evangelizing to people all over the world travelling. One of our most unique things about the ship was our oldest floating bookshop which was placed on the back of the ship. We sold Christian books and lots of kid’s books and other kinds of books too so people could come to our ship and buy books and maybe have a tour around the ship, meeting people of the ship to communicate about their lives. During the stay on a ship for three years I was just completely fulfilled with great experiences and love that God had given me. I met my best friend there. She was American and her dad was the manager of the book shop. We used to hang out together every day. I was never bored.

            Some days living on the ship travelling, I got to see some scenes that were only shown in magazines or in internet. In Africa, I saw lots of poor families living in mud houses and starving for food. All they wore was just a cloth around their bodies and guys didn’t wear anything at all. I felt extremely sorry for them and learnt that I should be more thankful and satisfied in myself. Still I complained a lot about small things. I also visited places like Pyramids, Petra, Wahdi and other places that were written in the bible.

I was blessed by God so Much. I thought ‘Why me’? But in a different way than last time. Why did God choose me but not the tons of people around me?  Why did he let me have these blessed experiences when I was just a sinful kid and such a nothing? If I hadn’t stepped out in faith the first time and didn’t go forward at all just because there were conflicts and troubled moments I wouldn’t’ have experienced such superior moments of seeing incredible creations that God made. I learnt that I was happy compared to them, and I should really thank God that he made me like me and he never gave me more of what I couldn’t stand. Going to school on the ship was fun. The school was right on top of our cabin. Who would have their school right on top of them? The school followed the British curriculum. The teachers kept changing from American to English and to Australians. I remembered we only had five people from my class. Two from Australia and India, one from Germany and England and another one from America.

            Sometimes I just sat down worrying about my future. How am I going to live the outside part of the ship life, I mean it’s not going to be the same and how should I live after I get off this ship? When it was time to leave the ship after 3 years, I cried a lot.

If I think about it now, God has shown me the greatest love that was needed for my life and future. At first I had to take a giant step of faith that no one could do simply. God showed me great things through my dad’s hard decision at that time. I learnt that no matter hard things are for us they are nothing in the eyes of God who made the earth and the universe.  I realized that if I try, at least try to do what God has commanded me, he wouldn’t let go of me and never forsake me.

            Now, here I am in Malaysia because my parents wanted to do their ministries here. I can’t remember how I got here or how I managed to survive. But I know that God would remind me whenever I go through the biggest trials and tell me not to give up and to always go on with faith and confidence in God like I did before.